Oct 30, 2007

Windows Tips 1

Note: tips for learning purpose only. am not responsible for any liabilities.

Get the Xp Product Code its Cd Itself
Get the Xp Product Code From its CD Itself
There is a way to get the xp product code from the cd just explorer the cd then open the folder I386 then open the file UNATTEND.TXT and scroll down to the last line and it goes to show what dumbasses microsoft are u have a product code.
Have fun u never need to search for a product code for xp again...!!!!

Xp expires
To reduce instances of "casual copying" (a nice name for software piracy), Microsoft has implemented a two-stage antipiracy scheme in its upcoming OS. The first stage is the installation and registration counter: this lets you install Windows XP only five times on the same system. (Note that you'll be able to install the final version of XP on only one machine, as opposed to the current beta, which can be installed on five machines for testing purposes.) The second stage creates a profile of the system to prevent you from reinstalling or registering the OS on different PCs.
To make this scheme work, you must activate your copy of Windows--over the Internet or by calling for an activation code--within 30 days of installation. Activation differs from a classic registration process in that no personal information is requested by or sent to Microsoft, just a record that a specific copy of Windows XP is installed on your specific PC. If you fail to activate your copy of the OS within 30 days, your login will fail. (Since XP is based on Windows NT-like privilege levels, you can't use your computer until you log on.)
Microsoft says the scheme should not prevent you from reinstalling your copy of XP on your PC as many times as you need to, as long as it's the same PC or close to it, allowing for some hardware changes. It's the "some" that has most folks worried. In theory, you might have to reactivate your OS if you upgrade significantly or swap out a lot of components because XP might think it's running on a new PC. So far, Microsoft isn't saying what system information the OS uses to determine the "same PC or close to it" status. That means we don't know to what degree you can upgrade your hardware before you cross the invisible line. We also don't know how much, if any, personally identifiable data Microsoft is gathering from your PC.
Microsoft says you can, of course, change at least one and possibly several hardware components--RAM, video or sound cards, CPUs, motherboards, and so on--without having to reactivate your OS. But if you try to reinstall your copy of Windows XP on what Microsoft calls a "different or significantly upgraded or changed PC" (again, the company declined to specify how different), the activation will most likely be rejected, requiring you to call Microsoft to explain and get a new (free) activation code.
Microsoft plans to set up a new call center for U.S.-based customers to expedite activation issues. Many non-U.S. customers will likely have to go through the existing, shared Microsoft technical support lines they currently use. Microsoft says it expects only 2 percent of the total installed base of Windows XP to have to reactivate the OS. Whether the anti-piracy initiative will present problems for consumers or result in fewer upgrades to XP remains to be seen. Remember, the final release is at least a few months off.
Make XP genuine

Right click your desktop and select new text document.
Open that document and paste the following info.

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion]
"CurrentBuild"="1.511.1 () (Obsolete data - do not use)"

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\WPAEvents]
* In notepad click then.
* For file type in the save dialog box select "all files" and for the filename type in License Key.reg or whatever you want. It doesn't matter as long as it has the .reg extension.
* Click save.
* Double click the file thats now on your desktop. It will ask you are you sure. Tell it yes.
* To see that it worked go to
and click on "Validate Windows" over on the right

The Magical Jelly Bean Keyfinder is a freeware utility that retrieves your Product Key (cd key) used to install windows from your registry. It has the options to copy the key to clipboard, save it to a text file, or print it for safekeeping. It works on Windows 95, 98, ME, NT4, 2000, XP, Server 2003, Windows Vista, Office 97, Office XP, and Office 2003.
This version is a quick bug fix to remedy the broken "Change Windows Key" in Windows XP. Download Jellybean key finder from the link given below.

Link - http://www.magicaljellybean.com/keyfinder.shtml
Now open keyfinder.exe
Click on options and click "change windows key"
Now enter this key and you're done.
P.S: this works on windows Xp sp2 only......

Activate windows vista any edition
# Install Windows Vista Ultimate edition (or other edition) without product key.
# Windows Vista needs to be applied with 2099-ReArm trick, so that the counter of minutes to no activation required period will not return to normal after reboot. Click on Start Orb button.
# Select “All Programs”, then “Accessories”.
# Right click on “Command Prompt, then select “Run as Administrator (A)”.
# If User Account Control (UAC) prompt a warning message, click on “Continue”.
# In the command prompt, type date and press Enter. You will see the following:

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.0.6000]
Copyright (c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Current date: 12/19/2006 Thursday
Enter new date:
# Enter 12/31/2099 (December 31, 2099).
# Next, type cscript slmgr.vbs -rearm. You will see something like the following:
C:\Windows\system32>cscript slmgr.vbs -rearm
Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.7
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
The command completed successfully.
To make the change effectively, please restart the system.
# Then reset the date of the system to current date again by typing date again. You will see the following:
Microsoft Windows [Version 6.0.6000]
Copyright (c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Current date: 12/31/2099 Thursday
Enter new date:
# Type in current date, i.e. 12/19/2006.
# Exit from command prompt, but do not restart the computer.

Add your name to the right bottom corner of your computer window.

Go ahead, do this little trick to impress and amaze your friends
For Microsoft Windows XP.

Go to:
Control Panel.
Regional and Language Options.
Click the Customize button.
Select Time tag.
Highlight AM and type the name you want to display . Repeat with PM.
clicl apply and than ok
Change Text on XP Start button.
Now that the modified explorer.exe has been created its necessary to modify the registry so the file will be recognized when the user logs on to the system. If you dont know how to access the registry Im not sure this article is for you, but just in case its a temporary memory lapse, go to Start (soon to be something else) Run and type regedit in the Open: field. Navigate to:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\ Windows NT\ CurrentVersion\ Winlogon
In the right pane, double click the Shell entry to open the Edit String dialog box. In Value data: line, enter the name that was used to save the modified explorer.exe file. Click OK.

Close Registry Editor and either log off the system and log back in, or reboot the entire system if thats your preference. If all went as planned you should see your new Start button with the revised text.
Desktop properties won't work
If Desktop-properties won't work that can be caused by change in Registry base.
1. Make backup of your registry base.
2.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVerison \ControlsFolder\Display\shellex\PropertySheetHandlers
There can be lots of keys , but standard and important are only:
- DeskHtmlExt, and
- PlusPack CPL extension
Keep just those two, and delete other keys.
Close Registry, and restart computer.
Renaming CD ROM Drive Letter
Rename the drive letters of your CD drive(s) from the back of the alphabet, eg, Z, Y. This way, if you add extra hard disks, your CD drives do not get re-lettered.

Note from Bob:

You can do this from the Device Manager.
Open up the CD ROM section
Open the CD ROM you want to change

Under Settings, change the Start Drive Letter to higher in the alphabet.

Bored of autoplay CDs?
That autoplay CDs can be really annoying sometimes. If you thing so, than turn of that option.If you are on Windows XP:

type Qpedit.msc
Computer config
Administrative template
Double click on - "Turn off autoplay"
If you change your mind sometimes, just do Disable on end of this instead Enable.
Searching for Files In All Drives
If you want to search for files across all drives, including mapped network drives:
Press F3 to start the search
In the Named box, enter file or folder you want to search for
In Look in select My Computer
This will search all drives including mapped network drives. Easier than using the comma's.
Saving File Searches
If you want to review the results of a file search at a later time:
While on the Desktop or with the Explorer, press F3 to start the search
Click Options / Save Results
Do the search
After the search select File / Save Search
An icon will be placed on the desktop with the search results.

Removing Programs from the Control Panel

Easier way to remove control panel programs.

1.Edit your control.ini file in your Windows directory.
2.Under the section [don't load] add the appropriate .cpl file.
3.For example to get rid of Network add netcpl.cpl=no
4.This will disable users from accessing the network control panel.
5.You can remove seected icons in your Control Panel by simply moving, deleting or renaming the *.cpl file in your C:\WINDOWS\SYSETM directory.
6.The icon or file will still work even if it is not on the control panel screen.
7.At list of the CPL files can be found in this section at Control Panel CPL Files
Easier double click on your computer
For mouse double click you have to click 2 times in imaginary 4x4 pixel field. If that's problem for you, you can make that field bigger.
Go to Registry.
In right window, you will find DoubleClickWidth and DoubleClickHeigh. Both have values. Just change that values to some bigger.
Rename photos in Windows XP
You have a lots of photos in some folder on your computer, all have numbers-names, and you want to name them like Holliday1.jpg, Holliday2.jpg, ... Don't need to do that one by one. You can do that automatically with this little trick.
Open that folder and chose View - Thumbnails
Left click on any picture and CTRL + A. That way you will select all files in that folder.
Right click on first pic and chose "Rename" from drop-down menu.
Windows XP will highlight name of that file and you will be able to name it. After filling the name, click somewhere outside, in white space. You're done. If you named firs file "Anything" all selected files will get names "Anything1", "Anything2", "Anything3", and so on.
Add your name to the right bottom corner of your computer window.
For Microsoft Windows XP.
Go to: Start>Control Panel>Regional and Language Options.
Click the Customize button.
Select Time tag.
Highlight AM and type the name you want to display . Repeat with PM.
click apply and than ok.......
Get rid of the annoying Microsoft error reports
This error report sending message can become quite annoying at times,it keeps on bugging the user.Not to worry about.There is a simple way to get rid of it:
1.Go to Start->Control panel.
2.Go to system.Now go to the Advanced tab.
3.Under the advanced tab,at the bottom click on 'Error reporting'.Now click on 'Disable error reporting'.
You are done.You will not receive the error sending report anymore...........

Normally, when you right button click on the Start button, it allows you to open your programs folder, the Explorer and run Find.
In situations where you don't want to allow users to be able to do this in order to secure your computer.
1.Open RegEdit
2.Search for Desktop
3.This should bring you to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory
4.Expand this section
5.Under Shell is Find
6.Delete Find
7.Move down a little in the Registry to Folder
8.Expand this section and remove Explore and Open
Now when you right click on the Start button, nothing should happen.
You can delete only those items that you need.
Note: - On Microsoft keyboards, this also disables the Window-E (for Explorer) and Window-F
(for Find) keys.
See the section on Installation in the RESKIT to see how to do this automatically during an install.

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