1. Default Mail Client
Under command, enter the full path to the email client then %1 c:\internet\Netscape\program\netscape.exe %1
c:\program files\internet explorer\iexplore.exe %1
2. Generate Program Fault Log
Value should be the path and filename of the log file
3. Remove "Click here to begin"
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer\NoStartBanner Set this hex value to 01,00,00,00
4. Disable Windows Animation
HKEY_CURRENT_USER \Control Panel \Desktop \WindowMetrics\MinAnimate
Set this to 1
5. Full-Color Icons
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\desktop\WindowMetrics\Shell Icon BPP
Give it a value of 16
6. Preview BMP images in Windows Explorer
Set value to "%1"
7. Windows Refresh Rate
Setting value to 00 will force an instant update to Windows Explorer.
8. Remove Hidden Shares
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters\AutoShareServer HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\LanmanServer\Parameters\AutoShareWks Both of these REG_DWORD values set to 0 will prevent hidden shares from working (c$, etc.)
9. Outlook 2000/XP Restricted Filetypes
It is possible to add Filetypes back into the OK zone. This will allow you to open these attachments from Outlook (they won’t be blocked).
This key lists all of the file extensions that will be blocked by Outlook. You can edit this key to either remove extensions that you want access to or add extensions that you want to block.
10. Display the Number of Network Errors for a Network Connection
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Network\Connections\StatMon\ShowLanErrors (Windows 2000)
You can display a LAN connection-error count on the General tab of the connection's Status dialog box in Win2K This REG_DWORD when set to 1 will display the errors that have occurred over a network connection. The default value is 0 will not display the errors. Note that the Errors field looks a little odd, because of a bug in how the Status dialog box accommodates the error information.
11. Changes to the Windows Security Screen Title Bar
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\ Welcome (Windows NT/2000)
This REG_SZ data type will display a custom string on the title bar of the Windows Security Screen that you see when you invoke the Ctrl+Alt+Del keystroke.
12. Thumbnail Size
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ThumbnailSize This DWORD value can be set between 32 and 256. This number represents the size in pixels that the Windows Explorer Thumbnail view will display.
13. Thumbnail Quality
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\ThumbnailQuality This DWORD value will determine the quality of the thumbnail image quality. This number can be set between 50 and 100
14. Default Email Client
From the Internet Options applet of the Control Panel, click on the Programs tab. The program that Internet Explorer will try to open when you click on an email link is here (my default is Outlook, although I could also choose Hotmail or Outlook Express). This registry key is where this information is saved. If your favourite email program won't set itself up here, then you can go to this registry key, and following the example of the ones already setup, try and set your program up.
15. Restrict Users from Changing their Home Page
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Control Panel\HomePage
This DWORD set to 1 will make it so users cannot change their Internet Explorer home page. Setting it to 0 will allow the home page to be changed.
16. Delete Roaming Profiles when logging out
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\DeleteRoamingCache This value set to 1 will cause Windows to delete Roaming Profiles (if they are enabled on a network). This value set to 0 will keep the profile.
17. Delete NetMeeting Most Recently Used List
Each of the Addr# values can be deleted or changed. This will delete IP addresses that are showing up in the Netmeeting recently used list.
18. Require a Password in Order to Access a Workstation
This REG_DWORD set to 1 forces a user to enter a password to login to the local workstation. Setting it to 0 allows them to press Esc and bypass a password.
19. Restrict Users from Changing Their Passwords
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\DisableChangePassword (Windows 2000)
Setting this REG_DWORD to 1 will stop users from being able to change their passwords.
20. Remove Shortcut Arrow
Delete these values if you want to remove the arrow that appears on all shortcuts.
21. View/Change System Variables
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SessionManager\Environment (Windows 2000)
All of the values in this key are system variables that can be used by programs. You can make changes to the variables.
22. Force IE to Open with Full Screen
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\fullscreen
This STRING value set to "yes" will force new IE Windows to full screen. Note: This does not work for me on my Windows 2000/IE 6 system.
23. Change the Name of the Recycle Bin
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}\LocalizedString Changing the text at the end of this value from Recycle Bin to the text of your choice will change the name of the recycle bin.
24. Restrict Users from Changing File Types
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer\NoFileAssociate This REG_DWORD value set to 1 will prevent users from changing file type associations. Setting it to 0 will allow them to make changes.
25. Regedit.exe Favourites
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Applets\Regedit\Favorites (Windows 2000)
The Windows 2000 Registry Editor (Regedit.exe) provides you with the ability to add frequently visited registry keys to a Favourites menu. This enables you to open those registry keys quickly without having to browse through the Registry Editor for them. This registry key is where the Favourites are stored.
26. Edit Windows 2000 “Open With…” List
KEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\FileExts\.extension\OpenWithList (where extension equals the file extension that you want to open)
(Windows 2000)
This string (REG_SZ_ values) identifies a program that will open files of this type. You can remove values if you don't want those programs to open that file type, or you can add items to add new programs.
27. Restrict Windows Setup Option from Add/Remove Programs Applet
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Uninstall\NoWindowsSetupPage (Windows 2000) Settings this REG_DWORD to 1 will prevent users from seeing the Add/Remove Windows Components Button in the Add/Remove Programs applet of the Control Panel.
28. Disable Personalized Menus
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer\NoInstrumentation (Windows 2000)
This REG_DWORD set to 1will disable personalized menus.
29. Working with Shares
All of the shares on your computer are listed here. To remove a share, delete the key.
It is also a good way to migrate shares to a new server. If you rebuild a server, you can export this key and associated sub-keys from your old server and import them on your new server and all of the shares will be set up for you.
30. How Many Processors Does Your O/S Support
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\RegisteredProcessors
(Windows 2000)
Check the registry value to see how many processors your version of Windows supports. This registry key value is informational only. In other words, changing the value to 128 won't enable your version of Windows to support 128 processors.
31. Restrict Users from Accessing Windows Update
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer\NoWindowsUpdate
To disable Windows Update on a per user basis set (or create) this DWORD value to 1. If you want to enable WindowsUpdate, delete this value, or change it to 0.
32. Clear the Windows Run Most Recently Used List
Deleting the values in this key will clear the log list of commands that is created when you use Run on Windows' Start menu.
33. Change Main Network Provider (Novell or NT)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon
(Windows 2000 Professional)
The GINADLL value is set for either a Microsoft logon screen or a Novell login screen. If you want to use a Novell login screen, make sure that the value is NWGINA.DLL. If you want to use a Microsoft Login screen, make sure the value is MSGINA.DLL. Then close the Registry Editor and restart the system.
34. Remove Shutdown from the Start Menu
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Policies\Explorer\NoClose
This String Value set to 1 removes the Shutdown option from the Startmenu. Change it to 0 to allow shutdowns.
35. Password Reminder
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\PasswordExpiryWarning (Windows 2000)
This key in Windows 2000 sets the number of days before a user's password must be changed.
36. Export Dial-Up Networking Settings
This key is where the Dial-Up Networking settings are stored.
37. Force Windows to Crash
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\i8042prt\Parameters\CrashOnCtrlScroll (Windows NT/2000)
Set this DWORD value to 1. After a reboot, hold down the right CTRL key and hit the Scroll Lock key twice. This generates a BSOD. This is intentional as it can be used for testing purposes.
38. Hide the File Menu in Windows Explorer
Change (or create) the NoFileMenu value to 1 to hide the File menu, or 0 to show it.
39. Critical Update Notification Delay
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsUpdate\Critical Update\CurrentDelayInterval
This REG_DWORD value is the value in seconds between prompts from the Critical Update Notification. The default is 86,400 seconds (1 day).
40. Disable CD-ROM Autorun
Changing this value to 0 disables the CD-ROM autorun feature. A value of 1 enables autorun.
41. Delete Content Advisor Password
If you are using the Content Advisor in Internet Explorer and have forgotten the password, you can delete this key and reset all of the ratings and delete the password.
42. Reset Internet Explorer Windows Size
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Window placement
Deleting this value will reset the size of the IE Window.
43. Modify Right-Click Windows Explorer Context Menus
These 4 keys are where the Right-Click menu options are stored for folders, directories, and drives. To remove a right-click context menu item, you could delete any of the sub-keys that are below these keys.
44. Browse Remote Computers Faster
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Explorer\RemoteComputer\NameSpace\{D6277990-4C6A-11CF-8D87-00AA0060F5BF} (Win2000)
This key instructs Windows Explorer to search for Scheduled Tasks when you are trying to connect to a remote computer. To browse Windows 2000 and 98 computers faster, delete the key.
45. Add a Right-Click Context Menu Item to an Unknown File Type
To add a right-click context menu item to an unknown file type, right-click on the Shell subkey and choose New - Key. This will add a new subkey below the Shell. Give the new subkey the name of the application, as you'd like it displayed on the context menu.
Next, you'll need to create another new subkey under your newly created application subkey called command. There will be a Default value automatically created. Double click this value and enter the full path of the application's executable file, but append a %1 to the end (i.e. c:\winnt\notepad.exe %1).
The next time you right-click on that unknown file extension, you should see your new menu item.
46. Change the name of My Computer
HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069-A2D8-08002B30309D\LocalizedString (Win2000)
From this value you can change the name of the My Computer icon. The default value is:
@D:\WINNT\system32\shell32.dll,-9216@1033,My Computer
As you can see, the name is the last part after the , and you can change this to whatever you want. A neat trick is to change the My Computer part to %computername% and that will name My Computer the name that your computer has in the Network settings. If you do this it should look like this:
47. Clear the Outlook 2000 Most Recently Entered Locations for Meetings
This key contains the most recent entered locations for meetings and appointments in Outlook 2000. You can't edit any of these, but you can delete then entire value.
48. Change Windows Explorer Pop-up Tips
There are 50 tips stored in this key. You can double-click on any of them to edit the tips.
49. Activate the NumLock key when Windows Starts
HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Keyboard\InitialKeyboardIndicators
This REG_SZ or String value when set to 2 will make the NUMLOCK turn on when Windows loads. A value of 0 will turn the numlock off.
This will make the change for all users. If you want to do it for an individual user, then change the same value in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER hive.
50. Power Down the Computer after Shutdown
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\PowerdownAfterShutdown
This REG_SZ or String value when set to 1 will automatically power off your computer if the BIOS supports this. A value of 0 will leave you at the "It is now safe..." screen.
Oct 29, 2007
Windows tweaks 1
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1 comment:
hiii its ashish i need your help
i hav a pc in colz there it has password protection of content advisor
i cannot able to delete the key file to disable the password
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies\ Ratings.
do help me and reply me at
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